
My name is Tomas Ochoa. I’m a driven & self-motivated software developer based in NYC.

About Me Portfolio

About me

"Ad astra per aspera" - To the stars through adversity.

Tomas A. Ochoa

Junior-Level Software Developer/Engineer From NYC

I am a self-motivated and driven individual searching for ways to improve every day. I enjoy learning both from others and on my own. My positivity and good communication skills make me a great team player. Critical and abstract thinking are my strong suit, giving me the ability to problem-solve and add creative insight. Because feedback is of great importance to me, I welcome any advice and constructive criticism. As a result, I am easy to coach and very approachable. Because of my willingness to adapt, I can effectively learn new technologies within fast-paced environments.

My Portfolio
About Me

My Portfolio

Please Note:
This site is constantly being updated. Therefore the possibility of some projects being excluded may exist. Please feel free to visit my GitHub page by clicking here or on the GitHub icon within the links tab (right of the page if viewing on a desktop, bottom if viewing on a mobile device).


I welcome any constructive criticism and advice. This provides me the ability to adapt and learn new technologies effectively within fast-paced environments.

"Individuals, too, who cultivate a variety of skills seem brighter, more energetic and more adaptable than those who know how to do one thing only."

  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • UI/UX
  • Design

Technical Experience

JavaScript & Related Platforms/Libraries

JavaScript ES5/ES6
Express JS
Node JS
Angular 2 & Angular CLI
Ionic 2

Other Programming Languages




Misc. Tech

Semantic UI
Android SDK

Platforms & Concepts


MS Office Suite
Visual Studio
Adobe Creative Suite




Language Skills

English (Native)

Spanish (Fluent)

Personality Traits

my skills


I'm a dedicated and enthusiastic person in pursuit of an opportunity as a software engineer/ developer based in New York City.


Junior Developer

October 2016 - Present


Music platform that aims to provide artists the ability to receive anonymous feedback and provide other useful tools.

  • Collaborated in the design and implementation of a notification system using Firebase, RESTful APIs, AngularJS, NodeJS, and PHP among others.
  • Continuing collaboration in the platform’s overall development, including fixing bugs, tackling issues, and implementing future features.
  • Working within a collaborative environment that follows agile practices along with the use of collaboration tools including JIRA, git, and GitHub.

Juntos Inc.


June 2016 - October 2016

ShowUp App

Cross-platform app that aims to provide easy communication and scheduling within groups.

  • Contributing to the conversion of the app from Ionic 1 to Ionic 2 using knowledge in Angular 2, TypeScript, JS, & FireBase among other technology.
  • Working in a collaborative environment using git & GitHub, along with development tracking tools such as JIRA and Trello.

ShowUp Marketing Site

Official marketing site for the Showup app.

  • Created background animations that followed parallax scrolling.
  • Implemented subscription feature using Mail Chimp’s REST API (v3.0).
  • Worked in a collaborative environment, using git & GitHub with exposure to sprints during app development cycles.


Web & Graphic Design

August 2016 - Present

Freelance Web Design

  • Consult with clients to design and create graphic images and web pages.
  • Customize pages using HTML/CSS3, Bootstrap, vanilla JavaScript and jQuery and any other necessary technology to satisfy the client’s specifications including APIs and content managers such as WordPress.
  • Designs are created within the Adobe Creative Suite, with heavy use of Photoshop and Illustrator.

Freelance Graphic Design

  • Consult with client to design and create graphic designs.
  • Provide clients with, on average, three iterations to fully achieve client's initial visualization.

National Service Group

College Works Painting

February 2016 - August 2016

Managerial Intern (Westchester Territory)

Internship where students challenge themselves and run their very own painting franchise.

  • Responsible for estimates/proposals, production, management, quality control and excellent customer service.
  • Responsible for estimates and proposals, production and management, quality control, hiring and training employees while providing excellent customer service.
  • Developed and implemented a marketing strategy yielding over 100 exterior painting leads, generating $23,000 in sales.
  • Hired, trained, and managed four employees.

MARS Retail Group

M&M's World Times Square

October 2012 - February 2013

Retail Associate

"The Mars Five Principles of Quality, Responsibility, Mutuality, Efficiency and Freedom are the foundation of our culture and our approach to business. They unite us across generations, geographies, languages and cultures."

  • Created a simple and efficient system for item returns and was approved by managers for implementation.
  • Well-trained and versatile in every store position.
  • Awarded 2012 Five Principles Award for Efficiency.
  • Chosen as the employee of the month from a pool of over 120 employees.
Download Resume
My Resume


Learning does not end upon completing college. If anything, the teachings we learn in college only signify the beginning, and the lessons that matter are yet to come.

State University of New York

Oneonta, NY, December 2015

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Minor in Mathematics

Notable Accomplishments

  • Conducted an independent study on drone development.
  • 3.3 Major GPA
  • Dean's List, Spring 2015

Bergen Community College

Paramus, NJ, December 2013

Assoc. in Science, Nat. Sciences and Math, Computer Science

Notable Accomplishments

  • 3.45 Cumulative GPA
  • Dean's List, Fall 2011 & Fall 2013


I am a self-motivated and highly driven individual in constant search of ways to further improve. The beauty of the internet is its ability to access infinite amounts of knowledge. Technology is constantly changing and to succeed in this field, one must be willing to adapt and change or else fare being left behind. I regularly take online courses with the intent to quickly and effectively learn any tech that currently/will be essential in the field.

Completed Online Courses

*Click on trophy icon to see certificates of completion*

About This Course

"Master AngularJS and the Javascript concepts behind it, design custom directives, and build a single page application. In this course you will:"

  • Learn how AngularJS works, covering subjects like directives, dependency injection, two way data binding, the digest loop, watchers, and more.
  • Learn fundamental Javascript and HTML principles that are used by AngularJS, such as custom attributes, loosely typed arrays, the hash, and the event loop.
  • Code custom services.
  • Design custom directives, understanding concepts like compile, link, and scope.
  • Build a single page application using AngularJS.
  • Keep up with the latest on the next version of AngularJS 2.0!

About This Course

"The next Version of JavaScript, ES6 (ECMAScript 6), is the next big thing in the World of JavaScript! It adds tons of new Features, Methods, Objects and Helpers and the earlier you feel confident using them, the better! This course follows a hands-on, example-driven approach to show and explain all the important Features added to JavaScript. This includes;"

  • Important syntax changes and additions like let, const, rest & spread operators.
  • Continuation with Promises, the Reflect API, the Proxy API, Maps & Sets.
  • Tons of new methods, functions and much more!

About This Course

"Take a deep dive into JavaScript, a Must-Know Language in Web Development, with a Hands-on, Example-driven approach. It's best to have a look at the course content, to find out what you will learn, but to give you a quick overview:"

  • All the basics about variables, functions, operators, language features, built-in objects and much more!
  • In-depth modules on Arrays, Objects & Prototypes, Functions, DOM Interaction, Events, AJAX and all the other core features that make JavaScript so important!
  • Hundreds of examples, showing all the concepts taught, allowing you to see them in action immediately
  • A complete project to practice the skills gained throughout this course
  • World-class support in case of any course-related questions or problems

About This Course

"In [this course], you will learn enough javascript to transform from a Junior JS Dev into a Senior JS Guru." What do you learn?

  • Types & Equality: The different types in JS and how to check if two values are really equal?
  • Scopes: The different scopes a variable can be declared in and how to manipulate those scopes.
  • Object Orientation: How to perform OO in Javascript with both the Prototype Pattern and the Pseudo-Classical/Constructor Pattern.
  • Advanced topics in Networking such as CORS and JSONP.
  • Advanced topics in Event Handling such as the different event phases.

About This Course

"Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn web development. There are a lot of options for online developer training, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here's why:"

  • This is the only online course taught by a professional bootcamp instructor.
  • 94% of my bootcamp students go on to get full-time developer jobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.
  • The previous 2 bootcamp programs that I taught cost $14,000 and $21,000. This course is just as comprehensive but with brand new content for a fraction of the price.
  • Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry. No PHP or other dated technologies. This course does not cut any corners.
  • This is the only complete beginner full-stack developer course that covers NodeJS.
  • We build 13+ projects, including a gigantic production application called YelpCamp. No other course walks you through the creation of such a substantial application.
  • The course is constantly updated with new content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.
  • Through out this course we cover tons of tools and technologies including: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SemanticUI, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, Unix(Command Line) Commands, NodeJS, NPM, ExpressJS, REST, MongoDB, Database Associations, Authentication, PassportJS, Authorization

About This Course

"You'll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in demand skills - PostgreSQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more. Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! In this course you'll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding!"

  • Use SQL to query a database
  • Use SQL to perform data analysis
  • Be comfortable putting SQL and PostgreSQL on their resume