

Full-Stack Application For Posting & Reviewing Winter Mountain Resorts.

Project Screen Shots

Project Description

This full-stack app allows users to create an account, log-in, and immediately be able to view current or post new reviews for winter mountain resorts are even ability to interact and post comments. It is important to note however that only AUTHORIZED users may post comments/reviews and may only edit posts that solely belong to them.

The purpose of this project was to dive deep into full-stack development. The back-end of the stack used consists of MongoDB, ExpressJS and NodeJS and EJS for the front-end while keeping REST & CRUD conventions in mind.

Note: As stated above, the purpose of this project was to learn about Full-Stack developmentand briefly cover the technology and concepts typically required in this field. As a result, during development, UX/UI was not a complete focus. Therefore, I acknowledge this fact and have plans to completely remake the app, this time, using the MEAN stack (Mongo/Express/Angular/Node).

Project Dependencies

  • MongoDB

  • NPM & NodeJS

  • ExpressJS

  • EJS

  • Mongoose

  • Passport

  • Request

  • Connect-Flash

  • Body-Parser

  • Cookie-Parser

  • Category : Programming, Full-Stack Development
  • Date : May 2016
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