Color Guessing Game

The Great RGB Guessing Game

A color guessing game based on the RGB color model.

Project Screen Shots

Project Description

The purpose of this project was to gain a better understanding of DOM manipulation and event listeners without any use of jQuery, just plain "Vanilla" JavaScript.

The way this game works is as follows. A random color's RGB value is displayed and depending on the mode a user decides to play (easy/hard), the user must pick the correct color that corresponds to the given RGB value from the three or six given choices. If the user picks incorrectly, that choice will disappear from the screen and will continue to do so until the user is correct. When the correct color is picked, a quick animation occurs, and the game is over. The user can then reset and play a new game.

Project Dependencies

  • Vanilla JavaScript

  • DOM Manipulation

  • Event Listeners

  • RGB Color Scale

  • Game Dev

  • Category : JavaScript / DOM Manipulation
  • Date : May 2016
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