Tic Tac Toe

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

A simple tic-tac-toe game developed for the purpose of practicing my JavaScript & jQuery skills.

Project Screen Shots

Project Description

This project was created with the sole purpose of practicing JavaScript and jQuery. I did not use any outside sources/help. The entirety of this Tic-Tac-Toe implementation is that of my own. However, I understand that in all likelihood, there exists the possibility of a more elegant implementation/solution. If you have an idea or see a better solution anywhere in the source, PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know, I'd love to hear it :-)!

This implementation allows the first player of every game to pick and choose his/her piece, regardless if there was a previous winner. Each player must make a valid move, and in the case said move is invalid, all available moves are highlighted on the screen. The game goes on until a winner or tie is reached. Upon a result, the winner/last piece can reset the board and start a new game.

Project Dependencies

  • JavaScript & Custom JS Classes

  • jQuery


  • Bootstrap

  • Adobe Illustrator (For custom images)

  • Category : Game Development
  • Date : November 2016
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