Weather App

Simple Weather App

A simple application that searches the weather for any given city input.

Project Screen Shots

Project Description

There are two different implementations to this specific project; One using the current ECMAScript Standard (ES5), and the other using the future ECMAScript Standard to replace the current, (ES6). Both, however, connect to the OpenWeatherMap RESTful API using JSON. Although the resulting apps look the same, both implementations differ nonetheless from each other in very significant ways.

For the ES6 Implementation to initially work, ES6 polyfills are required until the ES6 standard is fully supported.

Project Dependencies

  • Vanilla ES5 JS

  • Traceur/Babel (ES6 Transpiler)

  • SystemJS (Module Loader)

  • ES6 Classes, Modules, & Promises

  • Reflect & Proxy API

  • jQuery

  • Category : JavaScript Programming / REST APIs
  • Date : ES5 Version: November 2016 / ES6 Version: December 2016